Be Salt And Light
To Families In Need

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

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Monthly Giving

Join with friends and family to multiply your financial impact helping families in crisis.

Make A Donation

Your tax-deductible
donation provides material and financial support for the relief of the distressed.


We Are On A Mission To Help Families In Crisis

Salt and Light Foundation, Inc. is a grassroots 501(c)(3) charitable organization started by a group of family and friends that came together to meet the needs of families in crisis.


Families Reached


How You Can Help

Find the cause that’s calling you…
Your tax-deductible donation will help provide tangible relief for distressed families in crisis. 

Impoverished Families in
Sri Lanka

Severe shortages of food, essential medicines and electricity are crippling families in Sri Lanka. Help provide these necessities to the most vulnerable.

Quarterly Cause -
Mission Trip to Sri Lanka

Support our week-long mission trip to Sri Lanka- community care projects, for the most vulnerable, and meet with locals for sustainability development.

Support Families Dealing with Developmental Trauma

Provide encouragement and educational support to adoptive and foster families living with a child with Developmental Trauma.

country highlight


Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia located in the Indian Ocean. The Sinhalese people form the majority of the nation’s population, most of whom follow Buddhism. The Tamil people, living primarily in the North, have their own language and follow Hinduism. Sri Lanka is known for its tea fields producing Ceylon black tea, one of the world’s most favored black teas, and also as the home of cinnamon. 

Despite an unstable infrastructure, rising costs and a lack of access to food and medicine; Sri Lankan’s are industrious people with beautiful smiles and a gift of hospitality.

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$ 0

Monthly Costs for Family of Four

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Average Monthly Income

"Be The Salt and Light"

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Your Donation Can
Change Someone's Life

When we live as people of blessing, we are salt and light in our community and abroad. Join us with a tax-deductible donation as we humbly work for right relations, lifting the weak and providing for those in need.

Salt and Light Foundation, Inc.

Contact Information

Be Salt And Light To Those In Need

Find the cause that’s calling you and join us in providing tangible relief for distressed families in crisis.